6 oktober: Kennismakingsdag – theosofie in de praktijk van het leven

Kennismakingsdag 2024 Theosofie in de praktijk van het leven Deze kennismakingsdag is in het bijzonder bedoeld voor nieuwe leden van de Theosofische Vereniging en belangstellenden. Er is in het programma veel ruimte voor onderlinge uitwisseling. Theosofen zijn allemaal wel een beetje verschillend in hun opvatting van praktische theosofie. Omdat elk wezen zijn eigen ontwikkelingsgang heeft, kijkt iedereen vanuit verschillend perspectief. Hoe brengen theosofen hun ideeën over mens en wereld...

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18 – 22 September: The Four Great Vows of Boddhisattva – Meditation and Silent Retreat with Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu

THE FOUR GREAT VOWS OF BODHISATTVA 1 – Sentient beings, without number, I vow to help and save them all. 2 – Afflictions, limitless, I vow to eliminate them all. 3 – Doctrines, innumerable, I vow to study them all. 4 – Buddha’s dharma, supreme, I vow to realize it completely. As various successive crises have shaken human confidence in the future, it is undeniable that consciousness is evolving...

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5-9 December: Initiation – a retreat with Kurt Leland

Initiation is one of the most intriguing and mysterious subjects encountered among the teachings of the Theosophical Society, suggesting that there are various steps and stages by which to gauge our spiritual development. Yet, historically, such teachings have been among the most likely to be misunderstood and misused and the least likely to affect our daily lives in any practical or recognizable way. In this program, we will examine...

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Successful Dutch Summer School

The Dutch Section of the TS organised a very successful summer school from 7 to 11 June, with the theme ‘Spirituality in the Present Time’. The aim of the school was to present a range of spiritual activities in the peaceful environment of ITC, as an alternative to the challenges we are currently facing in the world. Following two short lectures in the morning, participants could choose between five...

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Vrijwilligers gezocht

Niets is zo leuk om met een paar gelijk gestemde mensen een klus te klaren, en ook aspecten van ons spirituele werk te ervaren. En dat in een mooie omgeving! Het Internationaal Theosofisch Centrum (ITC) in Naarden is een prachtig landgoed met een bijzondere sfeer. Het centrum ontvangt gasten met verschillende achtergronden uit de hele wereld voor onder andere seminars en retraites. Het ITC is volledig afhankelijk van de...

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Cooperation with Anthroposophists and Rosicrucians: the New Gold

In our former Centre News we mentioned plans to organise a day’s program together with Anthroposophists and Rosicrucians about the role of the esoteric organisations with regards to the challenges we are facing today. The very successful event took place on September 3rd. Close to 300 participants joined, the maximum of the premises rented, with another 150 persons on the waiting list. It is clear that there is a...

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Centre News Autumn 2022

You can read the new edition of our newsletter by clicking here: Centre News Autumn 2022. In the first item titled “Cooperation with Anthroposophists and Rosicrucians: the New Gold” the link to the note ”Our Common vision” as mentioned in the last sentence of the item, went missing. We therefore decided to make a separate post about the subject which does includes the full text and a link to...

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