ITC Naarden

Our mission is to serve humanity as a spiritual study and retreat centre, inviting people to work on the process of inner transformation.

Who we are

The Centre
The International Theosophical Centre aims to foster the principle of Universal Brotherhood and Peace through own spiritual activities and those of third parties. Activities of the Centre itself include lectures, seminars, discourses, meditations, the European School of the Wisdom, as well as activities that support the unity between countries. Several of such activities are organised together with related organisations, such as the Theosophical Society in the Netherlands. Activities of third parties need to be in line with the aims of the centre. All activities contribute in their own way, adding their own colour to the aims of the Centre. The Centre is a place which offers Unity in diversity. At the same time, the Centre is a spiritual community, where persons live and work. It is a place for people, active in a spiritual environment and atmosphere.

Spiritual background
The Centre is part of the International Theosophical Society. Members of the Theosophical Society can be described as seekers for Truth, in a non-dogmatic way. In line with its philosophy, this implies that it does not have spiritual leaders, or imposed teachings, as each seeker for Thruth is equivalent, and is the creator of, and responsible for his / her personal spiritual path. Traditional Theosophical literature can be used as a point of reference but is never perceived as a dogma in this search for Truth. Truth, though itself being eternal, always requires new efforts to be expressed in, both by individuals as well as by groups. Such efforts are an integral part of the spiritual process.

The spiritual atmosphere
The ITC has a unique and sacred atmosphere. All of its activities are related to the higher aspects of life, the Source of Wisdom and Love. It is thus connected with the finer spiritual energies. Visitors can be greatly helped and inspired by its potent stillness. The on-going activities, taking place at the Centre since 1925, both benefit from, and contribute to this atmosphere. Some elements of this atmosphere are comparable to that experienced in old cathedrals or monasteries. The atmosphere is supportive to those participants open to it.

Daily life
This requires living a respectful and responsible / ethical life, which implies:

  • Selflessness
  • Being creative, open to new spiritual and scientific insights and experiences, all within the framework of the identity and values of the Centre
  • Integrity, respect, acceptance
  • Awareness, non-identification
  • Humour, which is related to non-attachment.

The International Theosophical Centre at Naarden; Its Identity and Work

  • The aims of the ITC are realized by stimulating and fostering the aims of the Theosophical Society, Adyar (TS), through theosophical, religious, educational, cultural, and social activities as described in our statutes, as the European home of the TS.
  • The ITC is an integral part of the TS. It is one of the three International Centres of the TS; it belongs to the tradition of the TS and is linked with the spiritual line of its Founders. This contributes to its atmosphere, its energy, and to a certain degree, also to its protection. The President of the TS is also President of the ITC, to preserve its Theosophical identity. The Centre also has a special relationship with organizations derived from the TS, such as the Liberal Catholic Church and the Round Table.
  • The Centre is – potentially – powerful but needs people to become active. It can be considered a spiritual laboratory, where the secure atmosphere allows workers and visitors to be spirituallyvulnerable, in search of new ways of understanding. It is one of the few TS communities in the world where TS members live and work together. This implies the obligation for the laboratory to be active.
  • The ITC fosters its special atmosphere, being a place of work where the physical and the spiritual meet, where TS members and interested people are welcome and can be inspired, where they can learn to be open and feel spiritually at home.
  • The Centre can be described as an experiment. In the past such centres were founded around a spiritual teacher, a school, or a common belief, with a clear authority. For the first time there is now a Centre where the work is done through the mutual effort and search of - equal - workers. This is the challenge, now and in the future.
  • Work in a spiritual Centre is the work of people. Where people come together for this work energy emerges. Even a few people can thus move mountains. But a spiritual centre is also a path where people learn, and energy can burst from time to time.
  • Activities are the key to the functioning of the ITC, as only through the activity of each one of us it can work as a spiritual Centre. The ITC protects ceremonial and other spiritual groups which work in line with the aims of the Centre.

The paradox of a Spiritual Centre; Open and Closed

There is a certain paradox for the Centre in its relationship with the `outside’ world, due to the difference between the unrest of the world and the quiet spiritual atmosphere of the Centre, which determines its identity. This contradiction results in a certain tension, which can act as a spiritual dynamo for the workers. If the concern for the purity of the Centre becomes our main criterion, however, this may result in an internal focus and inhibition. This in turn brings with it the risk that the Centre no longer acts as a shining Centre for the world and that its energy is blocked. The Centre and its workers are aware of this paradox, which we intend to cope with responsibility, spiritual growth, enquiry, curiosity, and education.

Aims and values of the International Theosophical Centre (ITC)

The ITC exists since 1925, when it was donated for the work of the Theosophical Society (TS). It is the international centre for the TS in Europe and is therefore connected with its international headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, India.

Aims of the Centre
The International Theosophical Centre (ITC) aims to foster the principle of Universal Brotherhood and Peace under the inspiration of the highest human values, with the will to serve the world and under the perspective of the Oneness of Life in all living beings.

What is unique about the Centre?
The ITC has a unique atmosphere. As all its activities are related to the higher aspects of life, the Source of Wisdom and Love, it is thus connected with the finer spiritual energies. Visitors, when open and receptive to its potent stillness, can therefore be greatly helped and inspired.

The core values of the ITC are based on the wholeness of life:

  1. Human regeneration through personal transformation, based upon a deeper understanding of one’s true nature. This quest for truth involves a particular interest in esoteric wisdom.
  2. Freedom of thought, which means non-sectarianism, no dogmas. Each one is responsible for his own spiritual path.
  3. Beauty and Service in activities as well as maintaining the beauty and profound atmosphere of the estate. This implies work in harmony with nature.

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