The great significance of Van der Stok for Theosophy in the Netherlands

From the late 1940s until his death in the late 1950s, Johan van der Stok greatly inspired the International Theosophical Centre in Naarden and the Theosophical Society in the Netherlands. All (ceremonial) groups often sought his guidance, which he offered with great love and insight. He attended their meetings, connecting with the invisible world and sharing his profound vision and wisdom.

Professor in what?
Van der Stok, a devoted theosophist, established the connection within himself to the divine wisdom. His knowledge therefore stemmed from eternal wisdom. People respected him for his unique insight and addressed him as professor, despite his role at Wageningen being unrelated to his talks at the Theosophical Centre. Referring to him simply as ‘Johan van der Stok’ or ‘Van der Stok’ today still conveys respect and gratitude for his contributions.

From wire recorder to typed texts
Many of his lectures, known as ‘talks’, were fortunately recorded using a wire recorder. Occasionally, due to breaks in the wire, parts are incomplete. These parts keep us guessing what we have missed! Devoted theosophists, mostly women, transcribed these English-language lectures into Dutch despite the challenging content and simple recording equipment. Their efforts allowed the lectures to be published for their audiences.

Professor Johan Ewald van der Stok Foundation
On September 13, 1963, several Theosophists established the Professor Johan Ewald van der Stok Foundation (also known as the Van der Stok Foundation). The founders included Hans Haas, Hilda van der Stok-Schalkwijk (Johan van der Stok’s widow), and Job Streng. Jetty Brandt and Han van Bijlert were also instrumental in preserving Van der Stok’s legacy in the early years of the foundation. Recently, the foundation acquired a new board consisting of Karin van Beers (chair) and Guido Haas. The foundation intends to continue its work and preserve Van der Stok’s legacy for future generations.

Publications of the lectures
Many lectures were published in St. Michaels News between 1949-1964.

An edition of Van der Stok’s work is a facsimile of these lectures, called Talks and Addresses (411 pages). These were lectures held for the Theosophical Society, the ITC, the Free Catholic Church (VKK) and the Order of the Round Table in the Netherlands.

Then there is the publication The Heavenly Powers behind the Church Year, a reader with lectures for a course of the VKK.

We also know the thematic publication The Place and Dharma of the Huizen Centre, published by the ITC. This is a collection of three lectures about the ITC. In it, he describes the specific role of the ITC in addition to that of Adyar (India) and The Manor (Australia).

In addition, there is a series of English and Dutch lectures that were published separately in subscription form. These were extensively edited. In the 1980s, Guido Haas – now a board member – had the English-language series bound and donated it to the theosophical libraries of Krotona and Adyar. This was also an extensive book.

The Order of the Round Table in the Netherlands has compiled the so-called Blue Book, a binder that was handed out to consecrating knights. This book, with about 150 pages, exclusively contains lectures on Round Table, mostly in Dutch.

Additionally, there were several smaller thematic editions and undoubtedly more lectures have been preserved for use within some groups.

The Power of Vision
By way of foreword, the book ‘Talks and Addresses’ contains the following text by Van der Stok.

I don’t want you to develop any psychic powers, clairvoyance in the ordinary sense. I want you to see for yourself in a far grander way, to acquire the power of vision.

You may use your imagination discriminately. Give the teaching a good chance. If you are interested, make a fiery picture. And then look, examine, whether it is a living thing, whether it grows, whether you see more through it. But be careful lest no fantasy, illusion, delusion enters into the mind. Make yourself a careful observer of your own creations. And then examine carefully any conclusions to which you come, how far they are in agreement with the conclusions, facts, given by HPB, CWL, AB,* the great seers; the letters of the Masters of Wisdom.

So gradually the power of vision will develop in a safe manner. Be critical, but at the same time constructive. Always, always: unto what do they lead me?

(*HPB: Blavatsky | CWL: Leadbeater | AB: Besant)

Your help is needed
Unfortunately, many of the publications mentioned are no longer available, nor are they in our current archive. This archive therefore contains gaps. That is why we, newly installed board members of the Van der Stok Foundation, are calling on your help. Do you still have material from Van der Stok? We would like to preserve this for future generations. Photos of Johan van der Stok or of meetings where he spoke are also very welcome.

We will be equally happy to use the fund if you can use its support to preserve this legacy. Please contact us about that as well.

May the luminous beings, of which Van der Stok spoke so fondly, assist us in achieving this goal.

Stichting van der Stok
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